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About EveryEthne

Crossing cultures without crossing borders
Take Your Next Step

At EveryEthne, we mobilize the church to:

Multiply Disciples, Leaders, & Churches

Get resources, tools, and materials to help your congregation become a multiplying church.

Reach Ethnic Groups

Equip your church to reach different people groups right in your own communities.

Send Missionaries

Effectively commission those who are going out to spread the Gospel around the world.


To see people from every ethnic group in a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.


To mobilize the church to reach every ethnic group in North America through disciple-making that multiplies leaders and churches.


  • Cards – A Culture of Transparency: We believe open communication is essential for effective communication.
  • Shoes – A Culture of Service: We walk alongside pastors and churches to help them fulfill their God-given mission.
  • Elevators – A Culture of Movement: We seek to elevate your ministry in ways that will mobilize the church.
  • Knees – A Culture of Dependency: We believe that apart from God we can do nothing but with His enablement all things are possible.

make disciples

make disciples

make disciples

make disciples

make disciples

make disciples

make disciples

make disciples

You don’t have to cross borders to cross cultures with the gospel.

As globalization continues to spread in our world, people from areas where missionaries are typically sent are now coming to North America, creating a unique opportunity for them to be reached with the gospel.

EveryEthne helps churches take this opportunity to reach these ethnic groups with the Good News of Jesus Christ, discipling and commissioning them to take the gospel back home to share with others.

Email our team today, and let’s talk about your church’s unique goals and opportunities for effective evangelism to every ethnic group.

Take Your Next Step


EveryEthne was officially launched in 2016 as a ministry of ABWE International focused on the United States and Canada. It was birthed out of a desire to help plant 1,000 churches in North America over the next 20 years. That vision continues to drive us.

In 2022, we clarified our mission to mobilize the church to reach every ethnic group in North America through disciple making that multiplies leaders and churches. We believe evangelism and disciple making will result in establishing new churches.

In 2022, we also established three ministry channels to help us more effectively mobilize the church. The MULTIPLY channel focuses on evangelism, disciple making, leadership development, and church planting. The REACH channel targets more than 500 people groups now living in North America. The SEND channel is designed to work with churches to send healthy, godly, and equipped missionaries to the global mission field.

Since our foundation, God has blessed us with a growing and diversified team of experienced ministry leaders.

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships


EveryEthne is a part of ABWE, and we align our beliefs with their statement of Faith.
View ABWE Statement of Faith


Executive Director

Dr. Thad Bergmeier

Thad and his wife Monique met at a church while they were in college. Since then, the local church has been their life. In 2016, Thad began to sense the Lord moving him in a different direction than his role as a senior pastor. Thad joined the EveryEthne team because of their commitment to the local church. His desire with EveryEthne is to come alongside local churches to help them plant churches. Thad's vision is to “be a catalyst to help strengthen what Christ is already building here in North America.” Thad and Monique currently live east of Cleveland, OH.
Executive Director

Dr. Clare Jewell

Clare graduated from Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, PA where he met his wife Donna. Clare was the Senior Pastor of Lakewood Park Baptist Church from 1993 until 2014 when he transitioned to the EveryEthne team. Clare chose to join EveryEthne because he “wants to be involved in a multiplication ministry that reproduces disciples, leaders and churches. I am also excited about the opportunity we have to mobilize churches to reach the 609 people groups that call North America home." Clare and Donna currently reside in Salem, OR.
Regional Director for USA–Southeast and Director of the Centurion Project

Rich Culp

Rich graduated from both the United States Naval Academy and Dallas Theological Seminary. He served in the Marine Corps and has over 25 years of pastoral experience, serving as a senior pastor, church consultant, and church planter. Rich loves the church and loves that EveryEthne is on mission with the church. He serves as the lead catalyst for The Centurion Project which exists to network and equip the church to strengthen and support military leaders in their mission and the Great Commission.

Regional Director for South Central and Team Leader for Heart, Mind, & Soul Hindu Workshop

Velu Kadirvel

Church Planting Director for North America and Regional Director for USA–Midwest

Ray Brandon

Ray graduated from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary with a degree in Historical Theology focused on Missions Movements in India. He gained practical experience planting a Korean church in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, while completing his undergraduate degree. He daily serves on the front lines of ministry as a Licensed Professional Counselor. Ray has 30 years of church planting and pastoral experience. Ray mobilized the church he served to plant a church where he has served for 18 years as the Preaching Pastor. He loves the local church and will continue to serve the local church by helping mobilize churches to make disciples and partner in church planting to reach every people group in North America. Ray will continue to draw on skills he acquired as a church planting coach and planter assessor to help Lead Pastors to create a planting movement to multiply churches.
Director of Heart, Mind, & Soul Ministries

Julie Redmer

Julie, previously an ABWE board member, joined the EveryEthne team in late 2019 after having early-day involvement with the Heart, Mind & Soul LGBTQ seminar. Julie and Randy are serial entrepreneurs with a “Business as Mission” philosophy. Julie’s heart to help believers understand and be motivated to build relationships with people different from themselves deeply resonates with the mission of EveryEthne’s HMS seminars.
Canada Team Leader

Tim Vermilyea

God led Tim and his wife Barb into vocational ministry following their studies at Baptist Bible College. Tim and Barb have been serving among the French Canadians in Quebec since 1986. Tim was the first Regional Director for EveryEthne—he joined the team in 2011 and gave oversight to Canada and the Great Lakes States region. As the EveryEthne team has grown, his regional responsibilities have narrowed to the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and the northeastern United States. Tim also oversees missionary development for the entire EveryEthne team.
Directors of ESL Ministries

Michael & Monica Pasquale

Michael and Monica Pasquale are passionate about the local church! From helping the church identify quality resources to equipping teachers, the Pasquales desire to come alongside local churches to help them utilize teaching English as a Second Language as a means to meet needs and build bridges with individuals among their ethnically diverse communities. They have a combined thirty years of experience teaching English, training teachers, and serving as consultants for churches and parachurch organizations in more than twenty countries around the world.

Michael is a Professor of Linguistics and the Director of the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) program at Cornerstone University (Grand Rapids, MI). He earned his Ph D. in Linguistics from Michigan State University. He is also the author of "An ESL Ministry Handbook: Contexts and Principles. Grand Rapids, MI: Credo House Publishers, 2011."

Monica earned her B.A. from Cedarville University in English Education and her MA in TESOL at Cornerstone University. She is currently teaching ESL in ministry based and in business/organizational contexts.

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As a body of believers, we are boldly asking God to bring a gospel awakening across North America. Join with us in prayer and sign up to receive regular email updates with prayer requests and praises from our team.

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