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Multiply Disciples, Leaders, & Churches

Multiply disciples and leaders through healthy local churches.
Take Your Next Step

Struggling to get your church engaged in the mission of making disciples?

Many churches experience seasons of decline, stagnation, or apathy (sometimes all three). As a pastor, it can be difficult to know what next step can spark revitalization and get your church focused on the real mission: making disciples of Jesus Christ. 

But you don’t have to take the next step alone. With EveryEthne, you can access events, networking opportunities, assessments, and seminars that help you identify where your church is at, and discover real, practical solutions that can help you get your church moving.

Not sure about your next step?

Email our team and connect with an experienced leader who can help guide you toward the best resource for your church’s unique situation.

Take Your Next Step


Empowering Leadership Assessment

The Empowering Leadership Assessment (ELA) is a 360-degree survey that helps pastors become more self-aware of how they are impacting those they are leading. This is not a personality test—it is a window into your leadership impact. The assessment covers six main areas of your leadership:

  • VISION – The ability to cast and release vision toward a preferred future.
  • EXPERIMENTATION – The willingness to take risks and learn from mistakes to get to where you are going.
  • CAPACITY – The ability to clearly understand the limitation and potential of strengths and weaknesses.
  • STRATEGY – The ability to set goals that turns vision into an actionable plan.
  • TRAINING – The ability to teach and model the skills necessary to advance the mission.
  • PROGRESSION – The energy and motivation to make steady progress while advocating bold moves.

Spiritual Formation Assessment

The Spiritual Formation Assessment (SFA) is an anonymous survey that helps establish a baseline of the spiritual health of a church body, focusing on six key spiritual formation areas of a person’s life:

  • RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD – How are your people walking with the Lord in their daily lives?
  • BIBLICAL COMMUNITY – How are your people living in relationship with each other?
  • REDEMPTIVE RELATIONSHIPS – How are your people engaging and having gospel conversations with unbelievers?
  • STEWARDSHIP OF LIFE – How are your people using their time, talents, and treasurers for the Lord?
  • SPIRITUAL GIFTS – How are your people using their spiritual gifts?
  • PERSONAL DISCIPLESHIP – How are your people being discipled and replicating that relationship?

Ministry Area Profile

The Ministry Area Profile (MAP) increases awareness of your community’s specific needs, opportunities, challenges, and diversity, which provides leadership with the ability to make informed decisions about ministry initiatives.

  • SOCIAL – Creates opportunities to learn how different people think and feel about social and moral issues in our world.
  • ECONOMIC – Displays the financial and educational status of those in your search area.
  • ETHNIC – Displays a cultural snapshot of the different people groups in relation to your search area.
  • SPIRITUAL – Identifies the Christian and non-Christian religious pulse of the search area, including opportunities that exist to reach those far from Jesus.
Sign Up

Interested in learning more about the assessment we offer?

Download the Flyer

Training & Events

M3 Conference

Thriving churches focus on reaching lost people, making disciples who make disciples, and developing leaders. Join us for a one-day conference to discover simple, biblical steps your church can take to get on a path to multiplication that will fully engage your congregation in the mission of God. We are confident you will leave with the clarity and resources you need to take your next step in becoming a  multiplying church.

Registration Cost: $50

Time: 8:30am–4:30pm

Each person who registers will receive lunch, drinks, snacks, and a bundle of resources valued at more than $100 to help you take your next step.

Attend an M3 Conferance

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

M3 Bootcamp

Is your church on the path to multiplication? Have you thought about planting a church? Our EveryEthne team would love to partner with you to help you design a comprehensive plan that will enable you to plant a church. This 3-day retreat is designed to help you and your church team:

  • Refine your vision for how God wants to use your church in your community.
  • Strategize with other pastors on the subject of church planting.
  • Develop an individualized practical plan for sending out a church plant from your church.

Conference Details
Coming Soon

MyCircle Training

MyCircle Training is designed to help church leaders equip their people to participate in God’s redemptive mission in the context of their daily lives and relationships. It is a strategy centered on the reality that what God is going to do in this world, He is going to do with all of Christ’s people. In this evangelism training, every believer in your church will learn:

  • How they fit in God’s plan for the world. 
  • Practical steps on how to engage and talk to unbelievers about Jesus. 
  • How to bring eternal hope to your everyday relationships. 

Good Soil

The Good Soil Seminar equips you to share God’s story of redemption chronologically so that people will clearly understand, sincerely embrace, and firmly hold on to the gospel. The seminar extends over two days and is generally followed by an optional one-day Good Soil Trainer Certification Workshop.

Church Planting

Churches planting churches for the gospel saturation of every man, woman, and child.

We desire to serve and mobilize local churches to develop leaders and send them out to establish new churches. We want to see these new churches emerge from the harvest that will multiply disciples, leaders, and churches to reach EveryEthne in North America and the world.

Pray With Us
Day of Prayer for Church Planting

Every year on the Day of Pentecost, we mobilize thousands of people to pray with us for new churches to be planted to reach more people with the gospel. The church began after the followers of Jesus gathered to pray. Come join us in praying.

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