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We mobilize the church to reach every ethnic group in North America

God placed you and your church in a specific place to make disciples for His glory.

You work hard to accomplish this task.

We can help.
Take Your Next Step

Making disciples among every ethnic group is no small task.

Your church has a tremendous responsibility to reach and make disciples in your community.

When faced with decreasing church attendance, changing demographics, and limited resources, it can be a challenge to equip your congregation to evangelize and disciple the many types of people living within the reach of your church. Your church will miss significant ministry opportunities and head toward stagnation or decline if you do not actively engage your people in this core aspect of the Great Commission.

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make disciples

Jesus didn’t ask you to fill the pews of your church—He commanded you and your church to go and make disciples.

For this to happen, you don’t need another program.

You need to mobilize your congregation to personally engage with the different people who cross their paths where they live, work and play. If you’re like most pastors, you already have the desire to do this. However, the tyranny of the urgent limits your capacity to fulfill this task.

That’s where we can help! EveryEthne is ready to come alongside and partner with you to provide the tools and resources you are looking for to re-focus and revitalize your church.

Take Your Next Step

You don’t have to cross borders to cross cultures with the gospel.

Contact our team today, and let’s talk about your church's unique goals and opportunities for effective evangelism.

Take Your Next Step

Ready to take the next step?

1. Contact our team

Email our team today to chat with one of our leaders to discuss your church’s challenges and opportunities.

2. Connect with Resources

We’ll connect you with tools, resources, and the next steps that you can use to kickstart your church’s journey towards health and multiplication.

3. Coach and Celebrate

Work with EveryEthne to help your church think with a Kingdom mindset, reach across cultures to share the Gospel, and send/support missionaries who make disciples.

Take Your Next Step

Why EveryEthne?

  • Nearly 100 years of experience in missions
  • Working with 17 ethnic groups in North America
  • Over 100 churches assessed
  • More than 500 pastors helped

EveryEthne is part of the ABWE family of ministries, aimed at mobilizing local churches to identify and own the lostness of their culturally, socially, and religiously diverse communities, so that every man, woman, and child has repeated opportunities to hear, see, and respond to the Gospel.

As former pastors and ministry leaders ourselves, we speak with hundreds of pastors each year. We understand church trends and have seen firsthand what works and what doesn’t when it comes to becoming a reproducing, disciple-making church. We’re not just another program or mission agency—we build relationships to help your church be a part of the mission God is accomplishing in North America.

building relationships


EveryEthne’s spiritual self-assessment quickly and effectively helped us show our people the growth opportunities we needed to address in our church. Our Growth Group ministry has grown significantly as a result of the actions we’ve taken from the assessment!


The EveryEthne Church Solutions Conference and subsequent coaching really helped us see that disciple-making isn't something we do but who we are. It's become part of our DNA. We are so thankful for the clear biblical teaching and guidance from the EveryEthne team!


Before we had contacted EveryEthne, we didn’t know where to begin when it came to outreach in our small farming community. The MyCircle training we conducted with our congregation has already produced fruit with new families joining the church and new visitors being invited every week. EveryEthne has truly been an encouragement, resource, and partner at every step of the way.


Our Ministry Area Profile (MAP) helped us identify the need for an ESL program to minister to the Ukrainian refugee families who have been moving to our area. Since starting the program we have seen over 40 Ukrainian adults in weekly attendance!

Pastor Shane Prewitt

The demographic study we conducted with EveryEthne did more than just give us information—it inspired us to reach our community and to love like Jesus! The ministries we’ve created as a result of our profile have been incredibly impactful for our community and church. We are so thankful for the ministry of EveryEthne!

Pastor Jeff Beckley
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