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Reach Ethnic Groups

Bringing the gospel to all people
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Ready to reach ethnic groups in your community, but not sure where to start?

As North America continues to become more diverse, opportunities to share the gospel have never been greater. But when it comes to reaching other ethnic groups, it can be challenging to know where to start and how to be effective.

However, sharing the gospel is easier than you think. All you need are the right tools to get equipped. With resources from EveryEthne, your church can get practical guidance to help you become more effective at sharing the good news.

Heart, Mind & Soul Seminars

You can build grace and truth relationships with people who are not like you.

The Heart, Mind & Soul Seminars are interactive and designed to help believers build grace and truth relationships with unbelieving individuals within their communities. Throughout the seminar, we take the believer on a journey that guides them toward loving and engaging the unbelieving individual in a biblically, culturally, and actionably appropriate manner.

The seminars shed light on some common misconceptions between the differing people groups and Christians. This helps you and your church better understand the core beliefs, feelings, and values often found in these varying communities. Your church members will come away equipped to build relationships based on both grace and truth with the unbelieving person in their workplace, neighborhood, or family.

Seminar Offerings

Heart, Mind & Soul: LGBTQ Seminar

Download Informational Packet

Heart, Mind & Soul: Muslim Seminar

Interested in hosting a Heart, Mind & Soul Seminar?
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building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

building relationships

ESL Ministries

Equipping the church to use English outreach to build cross-cultural relationships.

ESL (English as a Second Language) holds the unique potential to foster redemptive relationships by creating a welcoming environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can connect, learn, and grow.

Through the process of language acquisition, students and teachers form bonds that transcend linguistic and cultural barriers, allowing for genuine friendships to develop. These relationships provide a platform to share God’s love, demonstrate empathy, and offer practical support, ultimately leading to spiritual growth and transformation within the community.

We Engage Churches in Reaching Unreached People Groups

By 2027, our goal is to mobilize 100 churches to make disciples among 5 unreached people groups now living in North America. EveryEthne can help get your church involved in this vital effort.

  • We can connect your church with missionaries who are living among these people groups so you can partner in this vital ministry through praying, giving, and sending.
  • We can provide the information you need to adopt a specific unreached people group in North America.
  • We can help your church send missionaries for short-term trips or longer-term service.

This kind of mission engagement changes the hearts of people and the culture of churches. To mobilize your church to reach the unreached here in North America, email our team to get involved.

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Your church can help reach unreached peoples in Toronto

To accomplish all that God wants to do through the Open Toronto Initiative will require sustained, strategic partnerships between EveryEthne, ABWE Canada and local churches who share God's heart for unreached peoples.

When Jesus saw the crowds who were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd, his compassion motivated an imperative:

“Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out the labourers into his harvest” Matthew 9:38

To accomplish the vision God has set before us will require a total investment of $140,000. Your financial investment will help establish a physical presence and provide the infrastructure needed to sustain pioneering missionaries in Toronto.
We are committed to helping you identify, raise up and send missionaries. Churches that send well have the greatest gospel impact. We work alongside churches to equip individuals for a variety of engagements including short-term teams, long-term missionaries and everything in between.
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Open Toronto

Open Toronto

Open Toronto

Open Toronto

Open Toronto

Open Toronto

Open Toronto

Open Toronto

Why Toronto?

The Joshua Project estimates that there are 7,391 unreached people groups in the world. A people group is designated ‘unreached’ when less than 2% of the population is evangelical Christian. Many of these live in hard-to- reach places where it is difficult for missionaries to enter.

Today, God is bringing some of those unreached people groups to our doorstep! The Joshua Project has determined that 32 of these unreached people groups live within the Greater Toronto Area. That’s more than any other major world city!


Equip your church to reach different people groups right in your own communities.

Ministry Area Profile

The Ministry Area Profile (MAP) increases awareness of your community’s specific needs, opportunities, challenges, and diversity, which provides leadership with the ability to make informed decisions about ministry initiatives.

  • SOCIAL – Creates opportunities to learn how different people think and feel about social and moral issues in our world.
  • ECONOMIC – Displays the financial and educational status of those in your search area.
  • ETHNIC – Displays a cultural snapshot of the different people groups in relation to your search area.
  • SPIRITUAL – Identifies the Christian and non-Christian religious pulse of the search area, including opportunities that exist to reach those far from Jesus.

Cross-Cultural Ministry Guide

Learn how to bring the gospel to cultures that are different from your own.

Ethnic Summits

We host annual summits for local pastors of various ethnic groups to come together and share ministry practices and burdens and build connections.

Summit Schedule:
  • Anglo-Hispanic (2024)
  • Chinese (2025)
  • Indian (2025)

For more information on upcoming summits or support in hosting your own, email our team for more information.

Anglo-Hispanic Pastors Summit - October 14-16, 2024Flyer for the Anglo-Hispanic Pastors Summit

Immigrant Church Bootcamp

Looking to support an ethnic church? We’re building a training just for you. If interested, email us and let’s talk about your specific need and how we can help.

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coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

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